IHS Iron Chef students made homemade pasta and beignets for a Disney Challenge today!
9 months ago, Independence Local Schools
Iron Chef makes homemade pasta and beignets for a Disney Challenge!
Iron Chef makes homemade pasta and beignets for a Disney Challenge!
Iron Chef makes homemade pasta and beignets for a Disney Challenge!
Iron Chef makes homemade pasta and beignets for a Disney Challenge!
Iron Chef makes homemade pasta and beignets for a Disney Challenge!
Iron Chef makes homemade pasta and beignets for a Disney Challenge!
Thank you, Independence Today Magazine, for this great feature story on Luke's Eagle Scout project! #iPride
9 months ago, Independence Local Schools
The 4th Grade Art Club recently completed their final project, which was a student-favorite activity. Students were given the opportunity to design their own personalized tumblers. Throughout the year, the class worked on various projects using a sublimation printing process to transfer their artwork to products using a heat press.
9 months ago, Independence Local Schools
The City of Independence is hosting their annual Fishing Derby on Saturday, May 11 from 9-noon! See the flyer for more details.
9 months ago, Independence Local Schools
Fishing Derby
E.B. had a hippity hoppity time visiting all the IPS classrooms today! 🐇🐇
9 months ago, Independence Local Schools
E.B. had a hippity hoppity time visiting all the classrooms! 🐇🐇
E.B. had a hippity hoppity time visiting all the classrooms! 🐇🐇
E.B. had a hippity hoppity time visiting all the classrooms! 🐇🐇
E.B. had a hippity hoppity time visiting all the classrooms! 🐇🐇
E.B. had a hippity hoppity time visiting all the classrooms! 🐇🐇
E.B. had a hippity hoppity time visiting all the classrooms! 🐇🐇
E.B. had a hippity hoppity time visiting all the classrooms! 🐇🐇
E.B. had a hippity hoppity time visiting all the classrooms! 🐇🐇
E.B. had a hippity hoppity time visiting all the classrooms! 🐇🐇
E.B. had a hippity hoppity time visiting all the classrooms! 🐇🐇
Independence Local Schools invites families to participate in Indy Family First Night this Sunday. After 6 p.m., there will be no ILS activities so families can spend time together. It's also a homework-free weekend!
10 months ago, Independence Local Schools
family weekend
Independence Primary School Art Teacher Mike Gruber had all his students create their own version of the Solar Eclipse coming up on April 8. They used chalk to create the glowing eclipse and painted or constructed with paper a skyline silhouettes to craft a beautiful city scene.
10 months ago, Independence Local Schools
Independence Local Schools invites families to participate in Indy Family First Night on Sunday, March 24. After 6 p.m., there will be no ILS activities so families can spend time together. It's also a homework-free weekend!
10 months ago, Independence Local Schools
Indy Family First Weekend!
Over the past several years, our math department has been working within the existing schedule to add support for our advanced and gifted students. As our student needs are changing, our middle school is being responsive to those learning needs. Our math teachers, Mr. Vanek, and Ms. Wargo (Gifted Coordinator), set out to understand where we were and how we can leverage our student data to improve where we can be. Our teachers met weekly to create a roadmap to explain math placement and help students and parents understand how best to support their student's learning. This work is still in progress and growing. As teachers work through the process we are seeing the need to develop math courses that are advanced for the grade level; not just subject-level accelerated. We are impressed with the content knowledge, focus on student needs, and work ethic of this group of teachers. #DidYouKnowFridays
10 months ago, Independence Local Schools
math department
Bethany Majeski from the Cleveland Metroparks visited our IPS 3rd grade as part of the @CVCCWorks Career Speaker Series. She spoke about careers in science and brought critters for our students to see!
10 months ago, Independence Local Schools
Bethany Majeski from the Cleveland Metroparks visited our IPS 3rd grade as part of the @CVCCWorks Career Speaker Series.  She spoke about careers in science and brought critters for our students to see!
Bethany Majeski from the Cleveland Metroparks visited our IPS 3rd grade as part of the @CVCCWorks Career Speaker Series.  She spoke about careers in science and brought critters for our students to see!
Bethany Majeski from the Cleveland Metroparks visited our IPS 3rd grade as part of the @CVCCWorks Career Speaker Series.  She spoke about careers in science and brought critters for our students to see!
Bethany Majeski from the Cleveland Metroparks visited our IPS 3rd grade as part of the @CVCCWorks Career Speaker Series.  She spoke about careers in science and brought critters for our students to see!
10 months ago, Independence Local Schools
jog into spring
Cuyahoga Valley Career Center students came to IHS for an in-school field trip for the Iron Chef and desserts classes today!
10 months ago, Independence Local Schools
Cvcc comes for in-school field trip for iron chef and desserts classes
Cvcc comes for in-school field trip for iron chef and desserts classes
Cvcc comes for in-school field trip for iron chef and desserts classes
Cvcc comes for in-school field trip for iron chef and desserts classes
Cvcc comes for in-school field trip for iron chef and desserts classes
Cvcc comes for in-school field trip for iron chef and desserts classes
Cvcc comes for in-school field trip for iron chef and desserts classes
Cvcc comes for in-school field trip for iron chef and desserts classes
Cvcc comes for in-school field trip for iron chef and desserts classes
Cvcc comes for in-school field trip for iron chef and desserts classes
The City of Independence's Youth Golf will be Tuesdays June 4-July 30! See the flyer for more details!
10 months ago, Independence Local Schools
youth golf
While we focus a great deal of resources on our student technology and infrastructure, our teachers have relied on the same iMac computers for the past 10 years. Our oldest teacher iMac is from 2009! Our iMacs were reaching end-of-life as determined by Apple not allowing them to update. Desktop computers also meant our teachers could only access technology from their desks. Over the past two years we have worked to give teachers a modern and mobile technology platform. New MacBooks, Desktop monitor, and docking station allows any teacher to walk into any classroom and instruct; with just one cable. The federal ESSER funding made available as a result of COVID was used to purchase student technology, making it possible to stay within our technology budget during our teacher device upgrades. This allowed us to consolidate a four-to-five year technology upgrade plan into two years. #DidYouKnowFridays
10 months ago, Independence Local Schools
devices for teachers
Independence Local Schools has launched the search for its next superintendent, partnering with Finding Leaders through the Educational Service Center (ESC) of Northeast Ohio to lead the process. Our Board of Education wants to hear from you! On Wednesday, March 13 at 6:30 p.m., a community focus group discussion will be held in the Independence High School media center. This is a chance to share thoughts on desired qualities and priorities for the new superintendent role. Your perspectives will help shape criteria used to evaluate candidates. The discussion will last approximately 45 minutes. All parents and community members are encouraged to attend. Your input is valuable for determining leadership goals and the district's vision moving forward. Would you consider joining this focus group? Please sign up below. Thank you! https://forms.gle/2ZS1ELzqeEBGJ9NL7
10 months ago, Independence Local Schools
Superintendent Search
The Pandemic affected our ability to complete our 1:1 student device initiative. It meant scrambling to make every spare part and computer functional until supply chains reopened. Once reopened, federal ESSER funding, earmarked specifically for student technology, allowed us to complete our 1:1 technology goal. We are now on track to update student devices for every 5th and 9th grade student, every year. Students will then use that device for the duration of their time at IMS and IHS. Our youngest learners, at IPS, will use the same device during 3rd and 4th grade. Kindergarten, First, and Second grade have chromebooks available in carts and remain at school. This year lenovo did a device refresh. You will noticed, if you have a 5th or 9th grade student, that their devices look different. They are gray instead of black, have a built-in stylus, and are lighter and just a little smaller than previous devices. We are fortunate not to currently have a technology fee for families. However, the cost of repair and maintenance of student devices increased every year. Please stress the importance of device care to your child. #DidYouKnowFridays
10 months ago, Independence Local Schools
one to one technology
Independence Primary School students will soon have the opportunity to learn from local leaders and professionals through the school's "Lunch and Learn" Career Speaker Series, organized through the Cuyahoga Valley Career Center. Throughout the school year, IPS students participate in career exploration activities to start thinking about potential careers. Now third graders will hear directly from leaders in the community. On February 27, City of Independence officials like the Police Chief, Fire Chief, and Mayor will speak to students over their lunch period. Then on March 12, the Nature Center Manager from Cleveland Metroparks will visit. Students will sign up for one speaker they are interested in learning about, as space is limited. IPS educators hope parents will encourage their third graders to take advantage of this special opportunity to hear from and engage with professionals in the community. The Career Speaker Series promises to be an exciting event for students to start exploring potential careers. Special thanks to CVCC Career Specialist Amanda Jaronowski for implementing all these wonderful programs for our students.
10 months ago, Independence Local Schools
lunch and learn
lunch and learn
lunch and learn
This Thursday…LLS Memorial Walk and Lantern Release.
10 months ago, Independence Local Schools
Independence Local Schools' Cultural Fair! 4/25 from 6:30-8 p.m. at the Civic Center! Free event...2nd and 6th graders are collaborating to share cultures from around the world! Samples provided by local restaurants, too.
10 months ago, Independence Local Schools
cultural fair
Together, IPS raised more than $700 with an additional $170 donations online for the Allison Rose Foundation!
10 months ago, Independence Local Schools
Allison Rose Foundation