In a heartwarming display of community service, Independence Middle School's (IMS) fifth-grade students and teachers transformed their cafeteria into a meal preparation hub on December 6, creating over 100 boxed meals for local churches. Inspired by the main character in the book "Dwaina Brooks" by Phillip Hoose who champions helping the homeless, IMS students spent 90 minutes crafting sandwiches, assembling care packages, and creating holiday cards with Christmas carols playing in the background.
The students' efforts, dubbed "Operation Brown Bag," resulted in a substantial donation to St. Augustine Church in Cleveland and the Independence United Methodist Church. The care packages included an impressive array of items: four frozen turkeys, 120 ham and turkey sandwiches, 120 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and additional essentials like granola bars, instant oatmeal, ramen noodles, fresh fruit, cookies, and bottled water.
Local businesses played a crucial role in supporting the project. Jersey Mikes in Seven Hills and Broadview Heights donated boxes, Chick-fil-A in Macedonia provided condiment packets, while the IMS cross country and girls volleyball teams contributed chips, granola, napkins, and cutlery.
"The students experienced the true meaning of a service project," said fifth-grade teacher Joe Durny. "They worked together, had fun, and made a meaningful impact on their community."