
In "Haphazardly Ever After The Musical," the mean Princess Cinnamon (Kinsley Seitz, 6th grade), the not-so-bright Princess Peppermint (Maddy Percaciante, 8th grade), the vain Prince Hairgel (Freddy Averre, 7th grade), and the aptly named Prince Slacker (Liam Polter, 7th grade) are obnoxious, bratty adult children who do not live up to their royal titles — and they still live at home! King Barnabas (Alexander Jaworske, 8th grade) and Queen Mildred (Emilia Mikolic, 8th grade) try everything to help their children grow up and move out, but nothing seems to work. After hiring a therapist, bringing in teachers, and even trying to marry off their children, the king and queen are ready for a happily-ever-after that doesn’t involve their children living at home. They call upon a fairy godmother to help quiet the castle. But who knew hiring a fairy godmother came at such a ridiculous price? And the permits required are outrageous! The King and Queen decide to create a do-it-yourself fairy tale... and chaos abounds! Nothing goes as planned and musical, comical, royal chaos ensues. But despite the King and Queen’s DIY failure, the princes and princesses just might have been changed for the better.

The performances are on Friday, November 22 and Saturday, November 23, 7 p.m. in the middle school auditorium. Tickets are $8 at the door.

Seventy awesome IMS students make up this cast! Directed and Music Directed by Gretchen Obrovac, Choreographed by Rebecca Justice. Another 20 in the various crews! Directed and Music Directed by Gretchen Obrovac, Choreographed by Rebecca Justice, and further powered by dozens of amazing parent volunteers.