The staff at Independence Primary School was brimming with excitement as they announced a special project in partnership with the IPS PTO. The school would be embarking on an all-school initiative called "One School, One Book." Today, thanks to the IPS PTO, every student received a copy of the same book – Gooseberry Park by Cynthia Rylant – and will read it together at home over the next few weeks.
The teachers understand the value of reading aloud at home, believing it better prepares children to become effective readers while also providing a fun, worthwhile family activity. With the "One School, One Book" initiative, their aim is to build a community of readers throughout the school, where everyone – students, parents, teachers, and support staff – would follow along together.
Today marked the official launch, with each family receiving a copy of Gooseberry Park during a special school-wide assembly introducing the program and the book. Along with the book, each child received a "Gooseberry Park Adventure Packet" containing trivia questions and additional activities to enhance the reading experience. A reading schedule was also included, allowing families to keep up at home by reading the assigned chapter each night. After completing the chapter, children are being asked to answer the trivia questions supporting that chapter and return the trivia slip to school the next day. To encourage and reward participation, there will be a daily trivia prize drawing after each assigned chapter is read.
As the school community delves into the book, the hallways, cafeteria, and classrooms have been transformed, adorned with decorations focusing on various aspects of Gooseberry Park. In class, students will explore the book through activities and discussions, making it essential for families to keep up with the reading to ensure their children could be fully included in this exciting literacy project.
The Independence Primary School staff is confident that families will enjoy this amazing experience. They plan to document the school-wide event in various ways, capturing the magic of everyone coming together to share in the joy of the same book. Parents are encouraged to contact their child's teacher if they have any further questions about the program, and to savor the opportunity to make lifelong memories with their children while enjoying a great book.