In Roald Dahl's timeless story of the world-famous candy man and his quest to find an heir with a golden ticket to adventure, Willy Wonka Jr. the Musical was performed by the more than 100 actors in the Independence Primary School Drama Club on March 1-2 on the stage of the Independence MIddle School auditorium.
The delicious adventures of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory lit up the stage. Featuring the enchanting songs from the 1971 film, in addition to a host of fun new songs, Willy Wonka Jr. was a scrumdiddlyumptious musical that delighted everyone's sweet tooth.
The musical followed enigmatic candy manufacturer Willy Wonka as he staged a contest by hiding golden tickets in five of his scrumptious candy bars. Whomever came up with these tickets would win a free tour of the Wonka factory, as well as a lifetime supply of candy. Four of the five winning children were insufferable brats, but the fifth was a likable young lad named Charlie Bucket, who took the tour in the company of his equally amiable grandfather. The children had to learn to follow Mr. Wonka's rules in the factory — or suffer the consequences.
Many thanks to Drama Club Coordinator, Amanda Jaronowski, the director, Kat Kellie, and choreographer, Rebecca Justice, along with countless parent volunteers who gave hours of their time and talent to build a truly broadway-worthy set! IPS is one of the only elementary schools in the state of Ohio to produce a full-length musical play annually, at this grade level.