Food Services
Our food service program provides nutritious meals and snacks through the schools' meal programs. The Independence Local Schools, Food Services Department is overseen by Service Manager Francine Kane.
The Ohio Department of Education, Office for Child Nutrition (ODE, OCN) maintains a clickable map list of all sponsors approved for the SFSP. Click here to access the map. Note the map is updated continuously so check back often to access the most up to date list of sponsors in your area.
Point of Sale Systems in Cafeterias
Please access your student's lunch room transactions by going to
You will be asked to set up an account. After you enter your information, an email will be sent to you and you will have to click on the link provided by them in the email to verify that you are setting up an account.
You then will be able to link your children to your account on by using their name and birthdate.
You can view their transactions and also apply for free and reduced lunches.
You can NOT add funds to your child's account in Titan.
You will still add money through EZ Pay since that is the payment system that our district uses.
Wellness Policy Assessment (Public Involvement, Nutrition Education, Nutrition Promotion, Nutrition Guidelines, Physical Activity, Other School Based Wellness Activities, Progress Report)
Francine Kane, Nutrition & Transportation Supervisor